Friday, March 18, 2011


When i woke up this morning, i tried to recall what happened last night... i couldnt accept the fact that i did say something like that to someone... My heart aches... My emotion is gaining control... is it because of that "sick" or im thinking too much? deep in my heart i truly love him, but my feelings tell me to get away from him... i standing in between a grass and wet land... almost fall apart... i did try to fall sleep and never wake up... but deep in my heart there is someone calling me... not to sleep... because if i do that, he will be very sad and he will hate me forever... if that can make him forget about me, then i will do it... as long as he is happy with his new life, new lover... Oni-sama, gomenasai... anatawa hontoni kawaiiso ja nante... watashiwa shinjiteru... anatawa shiyawasen... minna no ishogenme... oni-sama no hontoni sabishii...

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