Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Gor。。。do you remember today is what day? hehe.... i remember... today is the first day we met... i remembered i was clumsy and stupid that day... i was cleaning up the books in the library and i took too many books i can see whats in front me and bump into you... and i accidently kissed on your cheek... it was so embarrassing that moment... but you didnt mind and help me take the books returned to the shelf... i really couldnt done it without you that day... then we head for lunch and talk many stupid stupid things... like the teachers around and the trees and flowers... haha... it was that time you told me you are like me... that is why you didnt mind... ^^... i also remembered i sneezed on your lunch... T^T so sorry... in my heart... no one can replace you... there is no one... because you are my most important brother of all... it is you who were at my side when i needed you... it is you who teach me all the things... it is you who reminded me why you are here... thank you gor... im fine here with all my gor... they all very care me and nice to me... i got many sisters also... just like you said... no matter how bad the people treated you... there will be people who will love you... not because of what you are... but because of who you are... "a clumsy, stupid, naive child..." right? hehe...

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