Sunday, February 12, 2012



This morning i woke up, i wasnt feeling good... maybe because of what he said last night... makes me feel like im not good for him... i know he doesnt like me, if he feels that im annoyed then i wont find him anymore... suddenly i felt that all the things he said before makes yesterday a different person already... and so my gor bring me go eat breakfast to lighten me up and he treated me the breakfast at Mcdonald... until now i still dont feel the same... is it because of my sickness? or it is because of him? Until now he didnt look for me to chat or anything... maybe he is right, he is freaking out... i shouldnt look for him anymore... i give up... afterall, i might not be able to survive that long too... my sister helped me to book the air ticket already... should be in june to leave malaysia... he is part of my memories now... once i felt that he will be a very important  person to me... now i guess i wont feel that anymore. Nevermind, just let me spend the few more weeks or months before i leave... before what is inside me took me away...

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